Here you’ll find all of our frequently asked questions. Is your question missing? Please don’t hesitate to let us know. Please contact us via the contact form. We love to help out!


All of our products are made in the Netherlands. Our team of innovation specialists use carefully selected ingredients and classic machinery to produce the tastiest vegetarian and organic products. Everything happens in-house: from development to production, packaging and distribution.

All products are SKAL-certified (an organic quality mark), meaning they are compliant with strict quality requirements. You’ll find the SKAL hallmark on all of our packages.

We buy our ingredients as locally as possible. Our soy originates from Austria, our cheese from our own country (The Netherlands), and all of our herbs, spices and vegetables from The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Spain. And all of our locations are organic ones!

By sourcing our ingredients as close as possible, we try to keep our impact (and carbon footprint) on the environment as low as possible. Also, we choose the ingredients and products we use very carefully. Our soy is produced in Austria and grown sustainably, so there is zero chance of deforestation. Our farmers use air pressure and water to gain as many proteins from their soybeans as possible, so there is no use of chemicals. The energy needed for the production of soy is generated by hydropower. 85% of this energy is renewed and re-used. Also, soy is very sustainable, as it filters the air of nitrogen as it grows. The Veggie Lovers is GMO-free, Palm Oil-free and free of e-numbers: we are a clean label brand, and our packaging consists of FSC-certified cardboard and recycled plastic. This makes it very easy to separate and recycle

Our soy is produced in Austria and grown sustainably, so there is zero chance of deforestation. Our farmers use air pressure and water to gain as many proteins from their soybeans as possible, so there is no use of chemicals. The energy needed for the production of soy is generated by hydropower. 85% of this energy is renewed and re-used. Also, soy is very sustainable, as it filters the air of nitrogen as it grows. It also is very good for the soil, as it supports the growth of the next crop.

Our packaging consists of FSC-certified cardboard and recycled plastic. This makes it very easy to separate and recycle. We only use plastic to sustain a certain level of quality and freshness of our products, yet we are always on the lookout for more sustainable solutions.


Clean label means our products consist of natural ingredients, without any additives. Our products do not contain any yeast extracts, flavour and/or colouring additives or aromas. Our great taste purely comes from our self-compiled mix of spices. Also, all Veggie Lovers’ products do not have any e-numbers and are GMO-free and Palm Oil-free. This makes The Veggie Lovers a healthy choice!

No, there are no e-numbers in our products. Even though not all e-numbers are bad for you, by default. However, you will not find any in products of Veggie Lovers.

The Veggie Lovers products may contain gluten. This will be different for each of our products. If a product does contain gluten or is gluten-free, we will make sure to mention so on the label, and our product pages online. We do our utmost best to prevent cross-contamination from happening.

Our cheese products contain lactose. If a product does contain lactose or is lactose-free, we will make sure to mention so on the label, and our product pages online. We do our utmost best to prevent cross-contamination from happening.

The basis of our products is soy. Besides soy, allergens such as milk, wheat and celery may be found in our product, mentioned on the label and our product pages online.

Our products contain enough daily required nutrients. They are high in protein and a source of fibre. Also, they are low in saturated fatty acids and salt.

We use chicken-egg protein because it is the best choice, nutrient-wise. When looking at sources of protein, it doesn’t matter what the source is, but their quality. Proteins consist of amino acids, some of them essential. Your body isn’t able to compose these itself, so you need to get them through the food you consume. Chicken-egg protein scores highest on digestibility and composition of amino acids. When you follow a plant-based or vegetarian diet, you need to keep an eye on your protein intake.

The chicken-egg protein we use is organic. This means the chickens have enough space to move around, are free-range, and receive the right kind of feed.

Amino acids are important for building muscle and bone tissue. Amino acids are the building blocks of your protein, so they are very important for a healthy body.

High-oleic means our sunflower oil consists of Omega-9. It is a monounsaturated fatty acid, suitable for a healthy diet. This is different to normal sunflower oil, as that mostly consists of Omega-6. Omega-6 is a fatty acid we get too much of within our diets, which isn’t too good, as it is linked to higher risks of infections and heart and vascular diseases. Omega-9 is the better choice.

High in protein means that a product consists of enough protein, based on your average, daily required intake of nutrients.

This means that there are not many saturated fatty acids in the product. These fats are known as ‘the bad fats’.

This means that a product consists of enough fibre, based on your average, daily required intake of nutrients.

Our products consist of natural ingredients, without any additives. Our products do not contain any yeast extracts, flavour and/or colouring additives or aromas. Our great taste purely comes from our self-compiled mix of spices. Also, all Veggie Lovers’ products do not have any e-numbers and are GMO-free and Palm Oil-free. This makes Veggie Lovers a healthy choice!


Our products contain animal protein: chicken-egg protein. However, this is the only animal protein in our products, all other ingredients are completely plant-based!

Our Veggie Lovers Bacon Pieces are plant-based. So far, this is the only 100% plant-based product in our range.

Yes, our products are complete substitutes for meat. They contain sufficient nutrients to replace ‘real’ meat from your diet.

The flavour in our products purely comes from the herbs, spices and ingredients we use. They are carefully selected, and our mixes are composed by our excellent team of innovators.

Our products are made in a butchers way. The structure of our products comes from the use of classic butcher machinery, such as meat grinders. This makes the structure of our products juicy and tender, yet with a great bite. It also means we are repurposing our machinery and giving them a new, sustainable function.

Our products are ‘raw’, and that is unique. It means you can prepare our products any way you would like. It also means the prep is similar to the prep if you were eating ‘real’ meat.

Yes, our products are easy and quick to prepare. On our product pages online and on the labels you’ll find our easy-to-follow prep method.

Yes, you can freeze our fresh products. Once defrosted, you can not re-freeze. Any advice on shelf life can be found on our product pages online or on the labels of the products.

The shelf life differs per product. Each label will tell you the expiration date. Our frozen range has a shelf life of 365 days, as long as it is frozen.


The Veggie Lovers is available at Crisp.

Our mission is to convince as many people as possible that vegetarian and organic food, despite being vegetarian and meat-free, can taste amazing too. We dream of changing the world: one where there is less meat consumption, a healthier environment, and an overall better world. Let’s get ready to DO IT! Let the Veggie Lovers lead the way into a new world. A world in which you can enjoy your food, without feeling guilty about the environmental impact. Vegetarian, organic, healthy, eco-friendly and unbelievably tasty, juicy with a bite.. all at the same time!

The Veggie Lovers is a brand of Future Food Group. At Future Food Group, we have a great love of innovation. Our organisation develops the food of the future. We respond to the needs and wishes of our customers and consumers in this dynamic and fast-paced world. Our focus? Producing healthy and sustainable meat and fish successors that are so well made, you will question if they aren’t the ‘real’ thing. To create our best plant-based successors, we use innovative techniques and strictly natural ingredients.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Product vragen
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

More questions? Please don’t hesitate to contact us.